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at ruben's shoes society

We believe that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty.

We are on a mission to deliver access to education to the millions of children around the world living without it.

"Education is the most powerful weapon in which you can use to change the world"

- Nelson Mandela

Our vision is to empower the next generation of leaders and put an end to extreme poverty once and for all!

a better future

We build schools in impoverished communities and keep them operationally and financially sustainable through our Education Sponsorship program.

We're building a legacy by creating long-lasting, permanent change.

Join us and be a part of something bigger than yourself!

Food | Technology | Psychology


Education | Reading 

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Ruben's Shoes Society is a Registered Canadian Charity. All donations greater than $25 will receive a Tax Receipt.   Charitable Number: 817268535  RR0001

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