it all started
with shoes
It was a simple idea born out of love which ignited a spark that took off like wild fire.
What started as a small idea to collect a couple hundred pairs of gently used shoes to help children access education has turned into us building schools and providing direct access to quality education to hundreds of children.
We are excited to announce that we will be focusing solely on our projects that deliver Education directly and NO LONGER COLLECTING SHOES!
We've realized that we are able to make a much bigger impact through the schools we are building and our proprietary Education Sponsorship Program from which we have seen a 20% improvement in our student's literacy in addition to the intangible growth in personal development, confidence and leadership skills. We truly are empowering the next generation of leaders to create permanent, long-lasting change.
If you have donated or collected shoes for us in the past, we are very grateful and would love to have your continued support through fundraising initiatives. We have created options and templates for you to make it easy, fun, and rewarding, so please get in touch!
past shoe projects
We have moved on from collecting shoes to building schools and investing directly into projects that deliver access to quality education.
Here are the highlights of our past shoe distributions. We shipped 7 containers with over 80,000 pairs for gently used shoes to the Dominican Republic, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Zimbabwe, Mauritania and Mozambique. We have also provided shoes to The Philippines, Mexico and India, and have given thousands away locally to transition houses, community centers, women's shelters and homeless shelters.