our schools
elementary school
We are currently providing funding for the operations of Centro Educativo Toribio an elementary school in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic which has been ranked by the Ministry of Education as the #1 school in the country!
What started as a small school with four classrooms and 24 children, founded by Aris Toribio, has now grown to 3-Storeys with 12 classrooms, a kitchen and over 300 students! We recently completed the third floor cafeteria, take a look at the progress!
We were inspired by a little girl named Dacheline to create an Education Sponsorship program which provides the funds to pay for our students to attend school. Read more about Dacheline's story.
For $50 CAD/month, you can sponsor a child's education. Your monthly contribution goes directly towards keeping your sponsor child in school. The funds are used to pay for our teachers, our director, along with the overall operations of the school and anything required to support the health and development of your sponsor student.

Tour of our Elementary School!
secondary school
We believe that learning changing lives!
In the Dominican Republic, more than 40% of children are uneducated and only 60% of children complete their primary education; the average dropout age is 8 years old.
These children are unable to reach their full potential due to low levels of education and high levels of poverty. Without a chance at an education, the cycle of poverty perpetuates.
Since 2014 we have been watching our students grow and develop so much through the propriety programs we have initiated at our partner elementary school, Centro Educativo Toribio. Over the course of just one year we have recorded a 20% improvement in Literacy and have seen significant growth in learning capacity along with confidence, self-esteem and leadership skills.
Our students are growing up fast and are starting to age out of our Elementary School losing access to Education and a safe learning place at the most vulnerable years of their lives.
After years of working on the purchase of the land, then raising enough funds to purchase the land and keep up with construction costs, we can finally say that our secondary school is complete!
Thank you for sticking with us through this process, we can't believe it's done and how incredible it looks! We will never stop saying thank you to each and everyone of you for making this dream come true for us and the students in the Dominican Republic.
A huge blast of gratitude goes out to two private family foundations for their donations, along with the Ryder family for creating the Ryder Centre of Performing Arts, a loving son who wanted to leave a lasting legacy for his father by supporting our library, the Buble's for continuing to honour their late grandparents by helping with our second Noni's kitchen, and for each person who bought a door, window, fan, or desk. Also to all the participants of Ruben's Ruckus and Ruben's Classic, to our education sponsors and to each person who individually donated to our cause.
The school is built and we already have over 300 students enrolled! Now we just need your help cover the cost of tuition for our students which is $50/month. We are also looking for support of some of other programs including food, technology, and counselling. Please click below if you'd like to learn more and get involved!
thank you
how you can help